It’s easy to put things off like grabbing a cup of coffee with that friend that you haven’t seen since high school, or running that errand that you said that you were going to do last week, but the one thing you should never put off though are your health checkups, and dental cleanings are no exception to the rule.


There are many reasons to stay on top of your bi-annual dental cleanings, but some of the most important



Early Diagnosis of Tooth Decay


The first thing that your dentist will due to scan your teeth for any problems that may be happening or may happen soon in the future, including cavities. When updating your x-rays, your dentist may find signs of a tooth that is on its way to becoming a problem and do preventive measures to stop it from happening. Early detection of tooth issues is important so that later on you’re not stuck with a major price tag on a surgery such as a root canal.


Diagnosis of Dental Disease


Your dentist has the skills and knowledge to detect signs of oral cancer and can quickly refer you to a specialist to see that it doesn’t progress further. If caught quickly, treatment and recovery are in very favorable odds, but skipping dental visits means that you’re also missing out on these screenings, and by the time you finally get them, the cancer, unfortunately, may be too far along to do anything about, or it may require extensive surgery and treatment methods.


Gum Disease


One of the most common ailments to be diagnosed inside a dental office is gum disease, and early detection can help prevent tooth loss. During the exam, your dentist may point out that some teeth are more at risk than others because of brushing habits and direct you to change up your oral cleaning habits at home to get your gums and teeth back on track to a healthy life.


Cleaning Your Teeth


Lastly, it’s important to go to the dentist because you get your teeth cleaned. Brushing and flossing at home is great, but relying on your skills alone isn’t going to maintain a healthy mouth. Hardened plaque and tartar can only be removed by tools that you cannot pick up in the toothpaste aisle and must be handled by a dental hygienist.


Don’t have an appointment booked yet, or are new in town and in need of a good, reputable dentist? Contact us today by giving us a call and we’ll get you set up.

You may have heard it once or twice that your teeth are one of the strongest parts of your body, and while that’s true, it’s not indestructible. Even enamel has its limits. Whether through an accident or natural wear and tear, your teeth can become chipped, causing you significant pain and the desire to hide your smile.


Symptoms of a Chipped Tooth


Minor chips may not be noticeable at all, but for more major cases, symptoms may include:

  • Jagged surface of the affected tooth
  • Gum irritation
  • Pain when biting down


How to Treat a Chipped Tooth


Generally, a chipped tooth is no cause for alarm unless of course it’s causing you severe pain and disrupting your daily activities. Whatever the case may be, scheduling an appointment with your dentist to address the chipped tooth is always a good idea.


While most minor cases can be solved with a simple smoothing down of the tooth, more severe cases may require extra work.


Tooth reattachment


If by some miracle that you still have the fragment that broke off, place it in a glass of milk and take it to your dentist immediately. The calcium within the milk will keep the tooth moist and alive, giving the dentist enough time to cement the fragment back on to your broken tooth.




The same process that is used to bring your teeth together as outlined in an earlier blog of ours can be used here as well. The composite resin is applied in layers to the affected area, then hardened, shaped, and smoothed for a natural finish.


How Much Will it Cost?


Costs will vary depending on the country that you live in, the procedure you get, and how severe your case is. In most cases, the minimum will be upwards of $100, to a maximum of about $2000. Talk with your dentist for an exact quote, and ask if they have financing options if you’re a little strapped for cash.


At Home First Aid


Most of the time, your dentist is completely booked and won’t have time to see you right away. In this case, you may have to look after your tooth on your own for a little while until you’re able to see them. To combat discomfort and pain, here are a few things that you can do at home.

  • Wrap a small piece of sugar free gum around your tooth for a smooth edge.
  • Take an anti-inflammatory painkiller such as Advil
  • If possible, avoid chewing on the side where the chipped tooth is located. If the chipped tooth is at the front, consider eating foods that don’t require you to bite off a piece, or stick to soft foods like cheese.




A chipped tooth is probably one of the most common dental injuries and happens a lot more than you may think. No matter the severity, contact your dentist for an appointment so that the chipped tooth does not worsen. Call the dental emergency hotline in your area if the injury happens outside of business hours.


Teeth grinding, also medically known as bruxism, is a condition where you unknowingly grind or clench your teeth. This can happen during the day, but it is also common for it to happen at night as well. Those who have it happen more frequently at night are often sufferers of other sleep disorders such as sleep apnea or snoring.

Bruxism is not a serious condition, especially those with mild cases, and often doesn’t need treatment. Patients should seek treatment for bruxism when it causes them to have headaches, or if they develop a jaw disorder or damage their teeth.

For night sufferers of bruxism, it may not be obvious that you have bruxism. That is why it is important to recognize the signs and symptoms of bruxism so you can be aware and seek treatment if necessary.



Signs and symptoms of bruxism may include:

  • Teeth grinding or clenching
  • Flattened or chipped teeth
  • Worn down tooth enamel
  • Increased tooth pain or sensitivity
  • Tired or tight jaw muscles
  • Jaw and neck pain
  • Earache-esque pain
  • Dull headache starting in the temples



It’s not fully understood what causes bruxism, but there are a few theories surrounding both awake bruxism and sleep bruxism.

  • “Awake bruxism” may be emotionally triggered, such as those who suffer from anxiety, stress, and frustration. Awake bruxism can also be used as a coping mechanism for some, and may happen unintentionally to someone who is heavily concentrated on a task.
  • “Sleep bruxism” as mentioned before, may be linked to other sleep disorders such as sleep apnea.



Individuals that match the criteria down below are more likely to suffer from bruxism, and therefore should be extra careful and aware of the warning signs.

  • Age. Bruxism is more common in younger children, but they usually grow out of it by their late teens.
  • Medications and other substances. Bruxism can often be a common side effect in some medications, particularly antidepressants.
  • Family members with bruxism. Those suffering from sleep bruxism tend to have other family members who suffer from it as well.

If you develop any serious conditions related to bruxism or wish to repair teeth damaged by bruxism, schedule a complimentary consultation with us.

Last week we talked about dentures and debunked some cliches surrounding who is able to get them. This week is all about the work that goes into taking care of your dentures to make sure that they stay in optimal condition and keep your mouth healthy as well.




As with your natural teeth, your dentures need to be brushed as well to remove and avoid stains, as well as to remove any food particles that can harbor bacteria. There are denture specific brushes at every supermarket which work the best for cleaning your dentures. Make sure that the bristles are labeled as “soft” because hard bristled brushes can cause damage to your dentures.




While you would think that toothpaste would be safe to use on your dentures, toothpaste is actually too harsh for the denture material. Instead, dentures need to be cleaned using mild hand soap or dish detergent to get the job done. Pay attention to not use anything that contains bleach as it whitens the pink portion of the denture implant and makes it look less natural. When you are not wearing your dentures, keep them in a glass of cold or luke-warm water as this helps them retain their shape by keeping them moist. Hot water can cause the denture implant to warp and require the wearer to make an unexpected trip to the dentist.


Regular Visits to the Dentist


Having properly fitting dentures is vital to the health of your mouth, as well as maintaining the integrity of the dentures. If for whatever reason your dentures are not fitting properly, contact your dentist for an appointment as soon as possible. Book an appointment with your dentist as well if the denture cracks, bends, or begins to cause you pain. Never try to fix your dentures yourself and waste money on over-the-counter repair kits. It is not worth the risk.


When you receive your dentures, your dentist will give you a complete care guide which will provide detailed instructions on everything that you need to know. Be sure to follow these instructions carefully and contact your dentist if anything is unclear.