Treatment methods for loosening of adult teeth
Treatment for loose teeth in adults begins as soon as the dentist can diagnose the cause. Most of them are preventable or act as a treatment to prevent any underlying disease that is developing your loose tooth syndrome.
If your loose tooth is not detached from the gums, you can treat it with a splint placed by your dentist. Splinting involves the use of a piece of metal to connect two adjacent teeth. Splinting strengthens loose teeth and prevents tooth movement.
Adjusting canines
You may also change your mouth and jaw by removing or removing a small amount of enamel. The pressure on the loose tooth is then reduced. This will improve the ligament if pressed. This option is also suitable for those who suffer from involuntary gritted teeth.
Mouthwash, which is used the night before bed, is a good option to prevent teeth grinding during sleep. The guard acts as a barrier between the lower and upper teeth. It can also be used to protect teeth against sports injuries in boxing.
Mouthwash and medications
Another way to deal with loose teeth caused by periodontal disease is to rinse your mouth with an antiseptic and antibacterial mouthwash and take some antibiotics to make your mouth free of bacteria and less prone to gum infection. It also helps to improve the mouth.
Trim the roots
If you have periodontitis, your dentist will use a deep cleaning procedure that will remove all the problems and symptoms of the disease. Scaling is a method used to kill bacteria and mass. Root straightening is a method that smooths the root surface and helps the gums reattach to your teeth. Using these methods actually helps prevent the progression of gum disease.
You can surgically remove damaged or inflamed bone and gum tissue on your mouth that has ended up due to gum disease. Then you can have your teeth repaired so that all those bones and gums heal. Otherwise, you may have to have a bone and gum transplant.
Flap surgery
The dentist can also make incisions in your gums to pull them back. This allows the dentist to easily access the patient’s caries for root rot and scaling. After deep cleaning, the gums reattach to their original position. This is an effective way to prevent tooth loss.
Bone grafts
When you do not have bone in your jaw, you can use a bone graft to thicken it. This involves transplanting bone fragments from one part of the body to the jaw to make it thicker. The body is strengthened by placing calcium deposits on it and strengthens the jaw over time. This is also useful for dental implants.
Soft tissue transplantation
Soft tissue transplants act like bone grafts. The gums are placed in areas that do not have gums to help the healing process after peeling the root. Transplantation, as well as scaling and surgery, can treat gums or teeth damaged by gingivitis and periodontitis.